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The Gaijin Market Group Community consists of three groups of people with a common purpose.

1) The Community of Members living in Japan


2) Japanese entities (government and business sponsored) looking to increase

product and services revenues from the foreign in-bound visitor market


3) Luxurique Insights business

The primary objective of this “collective” is to provide accurate and relevant opinions and feedback regarding products and services that Japanese businesses are providing or are planning to bring to market in the future.


The feedback will help Japan’s inbound tourism market to increase customer satisfaction and thereby increase Japan’s tourist revenues and its share of the high value global inbound tourism industry.

Image by David Edelstein
Background: Why we do this

Luxurique’s relationship with the best of Japan’s inbound travel and entertainment service providers goes back a very long time. A unique partnership has been developed based upon mutual value and a track record of successful prior engagements on Customer events and visitor programs.  

Luxurique has also been heavily involved with Government and NGO entities (from all over Japan) who are looking to promote Japan inbound high value Tourism and MICE events.


As both of these groups seek assistance to obtain market feedback and opinion – Luxurique has created the Gaijin Market Group Community. Luxurique will connect our database of foreign residents (GMG Community) with the survey customers to provide high quality market feedback and data analytics via it’s Survey, Focus Group, Polling and Fam visit services.  

Image by Cynthia Magana
Our Goals: What we are trying to achieve

Luxurique Insights has brought together this Community and to achieve 2 objectives:


1)    To give foreigners living in Japan a common community and Voice by which they can give feedback and input to Japanese entities that touch their lives through their products and services

2)    Provide a vehicle by which Japanese entities supporting Gaijins (residents and visitors) can seek data backed opinions and feedback


We are not like most “paid for” crowd market survey and polling companies whose primary objective is to make money by paying as many members of the public as possible to participate in as many surveys that they can – whether or not they would have genuine interest or relevance to the product or service being surveyed.


We promise a membership that has real and relevant opinions and a genuine desire to be part of our community, so that they can give honest and valuable feedback on the service and products that our customers have. Our members will join us to have a voice to provide opinions that will help shape Japan’s inbound industry’s strategies and business decisions.

Marble Surface
Our Goals : Why it’s important

For Japan - Japan’s inbound tourism industry has been hurt badly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the global ban on travel. Everyone involved (from Governments to the smallest supplier of visitor tour activities) knows that a speedy and robust recovery is critical, not only for the industry but also to help in Japan’s overall economic rebound!


For Our Community and Its Members - Our members and the community we are building is important to us as without them we will not be able to give Japan’s businesses the data and opinions that can make them better.

This capability does not exist in the way it needs to be and we truly believe that when a member enrolls, he/she knows that are signing up for something unique and special and that when they participate in our surveys and they will contribute in a real way to improvements in Japan’s future.

Image by Agence Olloweb
How it Works: Apply, Authenticate, Persona, Take-part

Membership of the GMG will be strictly controlled and before anyone can participate in customer surveys they will need to join the community and provide personal data to help evaluate which potential surveys would be applicable to them.


Members will become part of the community through our no fuss on-boarding process

·       follow the easy step-by-step process to Apply by providing contact details and a small amount of personal data

·       applicant’s qualification criteria is authenticated

·       new members complete a personal data survey

·       members details are entered into our Survey Database

·       members are selected for participation in future surveys based upon profile matching with the survey subject in question

·       after accepting invitations to take part in a survey, members log-in to the Luxurique online survey platform, verify their identify and start giving their opinions! It’s as simple as that.


 Note: In-person surveys, focus groups and product tests will be coordinated by email.

Travel Apps
The Community : A connected future

The Luxurique Insights business-line and the GMG community has been designed to provide value and support to both members and customers.


We first and foremost want to help our members the best tool to be able to provide feedback and to get their voices heard.


In parallel we want to give Japan’s inbound supporting industry the most insightful  data and information to support its product development, strategies and Customer support methods.


With Luxurique unique background and exposure – we can support them to design and implement the surveys and with our high-quality platform and unique membership we can achieve our goals

Image by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.
The Surveys : Do it right

It is the goal of Luxurique Insights business to create a survey taking experience that is fun and free of hassle. We aim to make all surveys take less than 15 minutes.


We also look to minimize text input (using multiple choice where possible) and eliminate duplication of effort on data entry. We also give great focus into making sure to precisely target survey participation to the correct group of members so that their input is relevant.


We also commit to do whatever we can to give our members feedback on the surveys they have participated in.

Image by Kumiko SHIMIZU

What Our Customers Say

“We loved each day more than the next and felt extremely well taken care of. We hope to refer many people to you and see you again on future trips. Special thanks to Jonathan, who worked tirelessly.”

FIT group, 6 persons from the USA

Tokyo office
5-9-19-301 Minami-Azabu, 
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047, 
Kyoto office
T9-D 623 Shichikannon-cho,
Rokkaku-sagaru, Karasuma-dori,
Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8162, Japan 
We Support the Sustainable Development Goals
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